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} /* Функция для вызова из меню модулей для включения/отключения публикации */ function doActivate(obj,module,action,item_id,adminurl) { var menu_div = obj.parentNode.parentNode; /* Create new JsHttpRequest object. */ var req = new JsHttpRequest(); /* Code automatically called on load finishing. */ req.onreadystatechange = function() { if (req.readyState == 4) { /* Write result to page element. */ if (req.responseJS.res) { document.getElementById(module+"_"+item_id+"_activate").style.display = (action == "activate" ? "none" : "inline"); document.getElementById(module+"_"+item_id+"_suspend").style.display = (action == "activate" ? "inline" : "none"); } } }; /* Prepare request object (automatically choose GET or POST). */"GET", adminurl+"&name="+module+"&type=JsHttpRequest&action="+action, true); /* Send data to backend. */ req.send( { id: item_id } ); return false; } /* Функция для закрытия всплывающего слоя */ function cancel() { if (lastAddedBlock) { = "block"; lastAddedBlock = null; } document.getElementById("properties_div").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("properties_div_shadow").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("properties_div_bgr").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("properties_div_bgr_2").style.display = "none"; return false; } /* Функция для сохранения прав выбранного элемента */ function doSaveRights(myForm) { /* Create new JsHttpRequest object. */ var req = new JsHttpRequest(); /* Code automatically called on load finishing. */ req.onreadystatechange = function() { if (req.readyState == 4) { /* Write result to page element. */ = "none"; document.getElementById("properties_div_shadow").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("properties_div_bgr").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("properties_div_bgr_2").style.display = "none"; } }; req.loader = 'FORM'; /* Prepare request object (automatically choose GET or POST). */"POST", myForm.action, true); /* Send data to backend. */ req.send( { rights_data: myForm } ); return false; } /* Функция для удаления выбранного элемента */ function doDelete(obj,module,action,item_id,adminurl) { var menu_div = obj.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; setClass(menu_div,'hover',0); /* Create new JsHttpRequest object. */ var req = new JsHttpRequest(); /* Code automatically called on load finishing. */ req.onreadystatechange = function() { if (req.readyState == 4) { /* Write result to page element. */ if (req.responseJS.res) { /* var div = document.getElementById(req.responseJS.cur_block); var prnt = div.parentNode; var button = prnt.removeChild(prnt.lastChild); prnt.removeChild(div); prnt.innerHTML = prnt.innerHTML + req.responseJS.content; if (req.responseJS.next_block > 0) { // insert before block with id = req.responseJS.next_block var next_div = document.getElementById('mod_block_'+req.responseJS.next_block); div = document.getElementById(req.responseJS.cur_block); prnt.insertBefore(div,next_div); } prnt.appendChild(button); */ window.history.go(0); } } }; /* Prepare request object (automatically choose GET or POST). */"GET", adminurl+"&name="+module+"&type=JsHttpRequest&action="+action, true); /* Send data to backend. */ req.send( { id: item_id, block_id: } ); return false; } function adminShowShadow(obj,e) { var shade = obj.previousSibling; if (shade && obj.previousSibling.className == "addblockshadow") shade = null; var box = obj.parentNode.parentNode; = "800"; if (shade) { = box.scrollHeight + "px"; = "visible"; } else { var y = 0, o = obj; while (o && o.tagName != "BODY") { y += o.offsetTop; o = o.offsetParent; } obj.childNodes[1] = (y < 400) ? 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